Admiration Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Henry's ears began to ring. Aparicio, his hero, winner of fourteen Gold Gloves, two World Series. The greatest shortstop who ever lived. (16.30)

Admiration is a double-edged sword here. Henry is inspired by Aparicio and works hard to match his record, but the pressure of impressing his idol causes him to choke in the big game.

Quote #8

"Now I just need to meet the famous Henry," [Genevieve] declared. "And my trip will be complete." (27.71)

We never see Genevieve, Owen's mother, and Henry interact, but we're told they talk on the phone all the time. What could they talk about that puts Henry in such high regard with her? She doesn't seem like a baseball fan…

Quote #9

Starblind scribbled a note on a piece of paper, laid it on Henry's desk: !?! This could only mean one thing, coming from Starblind. Henry scanned the room for the girl in question: a female newcomer seated beside Professor Eglantine. (29.7)

Admiration isn't limited to sports skills in this book. Sometimes a guy just has to admire the hot new girl in class.