The Autobiography of Malcolm X Philosophical Viewpoints: Pan-Africanism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

My father was a big, six-foot-four, very black man. He believed, as did Marcus Garvey, that freedom, independence and self-respect could never be achieved by the Negro in America, and that therefore the Negro should leave America to the white man and return to his African land of origin. (1.2)

Marcus Garvey was one of the most famous proponents of black nationalism and Pan-Africanism. He advocated the return of the African diaspora (which includes African Americans) to Africa and the expulsion of European powers from the continent. He even created a shipping line to transport goods and people to Africa.

Quote #2

I have never understood why, after hearing as much as I did of these kinds of things, I somehow never thought, then, of the black people in Africa. My image of Africa, at that time, was of naked savages, cannibals, monkeys and tigers and steaming jungles. (1.21)

Why you think that, even though Malcolm X was an African American, he had this kind of view of Africa?

Quote #3

"Why shouldn't this white man who likes to think and call himself so good, and so generous, this white man who finances even his enemieswhy shouldn't he subsidize a separate state, a separate territory, for we black people who have been such faithful slaves and servants? A separate territory on which we can lift ourselves out of these white man's slums for us, and his breadlines for us. And even for those he is complaining that we cost him too much! We can do something for ourselves! We never have done what we could—because we have been brainwashed so well by the slavemaster white man that we must come to him, begging him, for everything we want, and need." (14.122)

Pan-Africanism advocates the creation of an independent black state because supporters believe this is the only way for black people to become economically independent. They believe that it is nearly impossible for black people as a whole to become economically stable within systems that are run by white people because black people will always be discriminated against.