The Autobiography of Malcolm X Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

As the "nigger" of my class, I was in fact extremely popular—I suppose partly because I was kind of a novelty. I was in demand, I had top priority. (2.30)

This quote comes from a chapter titled "Mascot." Just like no one takes NFL mascots seriously, the people in Malcolm's high school like him because he's funny. You know, just like a mascot.

Quote #2

In fact, by then, I didn't really have much feeling about being a Negro, because I was trying so hard, in every way I could, to be white. Which is why I am spending much of my life today telling the American black man that he's wasting his time straining to "integrate." I know from personal experience. I tried hard enough. (2.43)

What do you think Malcolm means when he says he is trying to be white? What would being black look like?

Quote #3

White customers on the shine stand, especially, would laugh to see my feet suddenly break loose on their own and cut a few steps. Whites are correct in thinking that black people are natural dancers. Even little kids are—except for those Negroes today who are so "integrated," as I had been, that their instincts are inhibited. You know those "dancing jibagoo" toys that you windup? Well, I was like a live one—music just wound me up. (4.9)

Yes, in case you were wondering, that's totally racist. And no, not all black people can dance.