The BFG Chapter Twelve: Dream-Catching Summary

  • The BFG stands very still in the mist, listening for a dream. His ears slowly move back and forth. It must look pretty silly, but hey—that’s how you catch a dream.
  • Suddenly, he waves his net through the air like he’s trying to snag a ginormous, invisible butterfly. He asks Sophie to hand him a jar.
  • The BFG holds the jar to his ear and is thrilled with the results. He calls the dream “a golden phizzwizard.” (12.6) We’re guessing that means it’s at least a decent one.
  • Next try. The BFG listens for another dream, pounces, and Sophie helps him bottle it. But this time, he calls it “a trogglehumper.” (12.17) Which, in our opinion, is a fitting name for a nightmare.
  • When dreams are captured, they become slightly more visible. Sophie can see the trogglehumper—a scarlet blob—thrashing against the confines of the jar. That sounds about right for what a nightmare would look like, too.
  • The BFG is so upset about the trogglehumper that he decides not to catch any more dreams. At least there’s that one phizzwizard to be happy about.
  • He pockets Sophie and runs home.
  • When they arrive in Giant Country, they find all the giants asleep. Whew. At least that means no more dodge(rock)ball.