The BFG Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

“I is the titchy one. I is the runt. Twenty-four feet is puddlenuts in Giant Country.”
“You mustn’t feel bad about it,” Sophie said. “I think you are just great. Why even your toes must be as big as sausages.”
“Bigger,” said the BFG, looking pleased. (6.37-39)

It’s only the sixth chapter, and already Sophie knows how to make her new friend feel good—by reminding him how large he is. Talk about sausages and it’s enough to make anyone’s day.

Quote #2

He galloped off fast to his cave with Sophie hanging on tight to the rim of the pocket. He rolled back the stone. He entered the cave. He was very excited. He was moving quickly. “You stay where you is in my pocket, huggybee,” he said. “We is doing this lovely bit of buckswashling together.” (13.17)

It’s Sophie and the BFG’s first prank! A milestone in any friendship. Note the BFG’s perfect pet name for Sophie: a combination of “hug” and “honeybee.” Adorbs.

Quote #3

“That,” the BFG said, “is because one day I is catching so many dreams I is not having the time or energy to write out long labels. But there is enough to remind me.” “Can I look?” Sophie said. The long-suffering BFG carried her across to the jars he was pointing to. (14.83-85)

Friendship is holding your friend up to read labels on shelves five times her height, even when your arm is tired.