The Big Lebowski Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Big Lebowski.

Quote #7

Walter screws up the hand-off by trying to get The Dude to keep the money and throw out a ringer briefcase containing his dirty undies.

Walter does this because he thinks the Big Lebowski is so rich that he won't miss the money. Plus, he isn't crazy about rich people in general and thinks it's only fair to "redistribute" the wealth.

Quote #8

THE DUDE: This is quite a pad you got here, man.

When Jackie Treehorn brings The Dude to his sleek '60s mansion, The Dude is impressed. Never mind that Jackie Treehorn made all of that money by treating "objects like women." You don't have to be smart or decent to be rich.

Quote #9

SHERIFF: Keep your ugly, f***ing, goldbricking ass out of my beach community.

Malibu is one of the wealthier beach towns, and needless to say, they're not quite used to The Dude's kind around there. Some things never change.