The Body of Christopher Creed Chapter 13 Summary

  • The next morning on the bus to school, Torey gets assaulted with twenty million questions from Alex, Renee, and Ryan; they want to know everything, and jump to conclusions and make assumptions so quickly that Torey can't keep up. And he knows that if he doesn't do something about the gossip about Bo, it will really hurt Ali and tick her off.
  • He gets up and moves to the front of the bus next to a geek.
  • At school, Torey doesn't want to talk to anyone so he goes to homeroom and falls asleep on his desk.
  • Alex wakes him up and tells him that whatever is up, he is not the enemy. Torey doesn't care about this speech, though. He is watching the geek, Lyle, and thinking he knows exactly how the kid feels, wishing he had a friend to whisper with like Torey and Alex.
  • Tuning him in to what is going from his friends' perspective, Alex says that they can't protect Torey if he won't tell them what he's up to with Bo.
  • Torey gets it then: these kids can ruin his life, and quickly.
  • So he gets up and walks out into the hall, where he runs into Ali. He really just wants to go home and sleep and, feeling sorry for him, Ali apologizes for telling him about any of this.
  • Anyway, Ali tells Torey she read more in the diary and learned that Chris went to a psychic with Isabella and she told him she saw death in the woods.
  • Creepy. Torey thinks about how the woods behind his house are an old Indian burial ground and how he once saw a ghost of an Indian ready to shoot him.
  • Getting that creepy-breath feeling on his neck again, he turns just in time to see Ali kiss Bo.
  • Bo tells them that Mrs. Adams went to the station and picked him up and took him home to shower.
  • Then the good stuff comes: Bo tells them he didn't have to break in because Justin saw him and came to the window, so Bo asked him to borrow Chris's diary and Justin got it for him.
  • Justin only said to keep it away from his mother, Mrs. Creed, and to return it someday.
  • Bo found a pen in it and wrote Ali's name before the cops showed up.
  • Worrying about them being mad, Bo asks if it was okay for him to mention Albert the Pig to Mrs. Adams.
  • Ali isn't happy about it, but he assures her that everything will end up okay.
  • Bo is still worried about being framed as a murderer by Mrs. Creed, though, so he says that they should find Isabella or the psychic, thinking maybe Chris is hiding out with her.
  • For everyone's sake, Bo finally tells Torey to ignore both him and Ali in the hallways, and also to try to act like he doesn't know anything.
  • This rubs Torey the wrong way because he doesn't feel like he should have to hide out from the stupid kids who'll gossip and think shallow thoughts, but at the same time, he gets it.