The Book of the City of Ladies Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And I finally decided that God formed a vile creature when He made woman. (1.1.1)

After thinking about all the great male philosophers who've said terrible things about women, Christine de Pizan feels like she has no choice but to think that God has cursed her by making her a woman.

Quote #2

There Adam slept, and God formed the body of woman from one of his ribs, signifying that she should stand at his side as a companion and never lie at his feet like a slave, and also that he should love her as his own flesh. (1.9.2)

Many men over the years have seen the creation of Eve as evidence that God created woman to be a slave to man. But Christine insists on a different reading, arguing that the fact that Eve literally came from Adam means that she is a part of him and that he is not whole without her. That means that the two sexes should honor and love one another as partners.

Quote #3

What special favors has God bestowed on women because of their tears! (1.10.3)

Men will often criticize women for being overly emotional and prone to lots of crying. But Christine de Pizan is quick to point out that there are many times in history when God has granted miracles to women who have cried because their tears moved him to pity. So there.