The Chosen Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You do not remember the Depression, Reuven," he told me. "Those were terrible days, black days." (11.25)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a big part of David and Reuven’s vision of America. David is afraid that, without Roosevelt, things will go back to the way they were during the Depression. Roosevelt was also regarded as "the friend of the Jews." This impression faded considerably when people began to feel that Roosevelt didn’t do enough to help the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust.

Quote #5

"You always eat with a hat on? That part of your religion or something?" (2.1.89)

Here we have a mutual broadening of vision. Tony and Reuven appear foreign to each other at first, but, through conversation, their differences fade.

Quote #6

"Your eyes look as if they’ve been reading Freud." (12.38)

Freud is part of Reuven and Danny’s vision of America. Reuven is complimenting Danny in his teasing. He’s acknowledging that reading Freud is hard. And, this reminds us that seeing America clearly is hard, too, because America includes things that seem foreign, like Freud.