The Egypt Game Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The gods demand that we make a horrible and bloody sacrifice." April took up Melanie's theme with relish.
"A horrible and bloody sacrifice," Melanie agreed.
"A horrible and bloody sacrifice," Marshall and Elizabeth repeated dutifully, but Elizabeth's voice quavered a little and Marshall leaned over and poked his sister. (11.6-8)

Elizabeth and Marshall go along with all of Melanie and April's Egyptian rituals, but that doesn't mean that they're not occasionally spooked by them. When April starts talking about a sacrifice, the two younger kids can't help focusing on the "horrible" and the "bloody" and wondering what happened to the make-believe.

Quote #8

When the shapeless inhuman figure sprang into the middle of the storage yard, the four Egyptians could only clutch at each other in panic, too shocked for the moment to even scream. (12.1)

Nothing boosts the imagination like a giant, ghostly shape bursting in unannounced. Especially when there's a murderer on the loose in town. Luckily for the kids, this time it turns out to just be Toby and Ken, the two jokers from school.

Quote #9

More spooky and supernatural. Even though all the Egyptians were positive that somebody was fooling and had somehow managed to write the answer to Ken's question, there are times when being positive isn't quite enough. (17.33)

When the oracle answers Ken's question and no one fesses up to writing the response, everyone is a bit spooked. The Egypt Game was all about make-believe…what if it really does have its own magic?