The Lost Weekend Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Lost Weekend.

Quote #1

DON: I think it'd be a good idea if we took along my typewriter

WICK: Why?

DON: I'm going to write there, get started on that novel.

Spoiler alert: Don isn't actually planning to get started on that novel. As we'll learn over the course of this section, he has a tendency to not finish what he starts, and the resulting disappointment drives him mad.

Quote #2

DON: Helen, will you stop watching me all the time? Let me work it out my way. I'm trying. I'm trying!

Personal disappointment aside, Don is wracked with guilt over how his actions affect Helen and Wick. To be honest, it's almost worse that they're so sympathetic in spite of everything.

Quote #3

WICK: Who are we fooling? We've tried everything, haven't we? We've reasoned with him, we've babied him, we've watched him like a hawk.

After he returns to find Don missing, Wick's finally fed up. He's done everything he could for his little brother and all he's gotten in return are broken promises and unmet expectations. It might sound harsh, but could you honestly say that you would act differently if you were in Wick's shows?