The Matrix Theme of Rules and Order

In the construct, Morpheus sums up The Matrix in one word: control. The Matrix's purpose is to stimulate the minds of people so that they continue to live and produce energy. To do this, the Matrix has programmed rules that help simulate the physical world.

But unlike the physical world, these rules can be broken. Morpheus and Trinity among others train their minds to bend the system to their will (because apparently there is no GameShark for the Matrix. Someone needs to work on that). Neo is also a rule breaker; he's not only a hacker but seems to enjoy sticking it to the man.

Questions about Rules and Order

  1. How does Neo learn to break the rules of the Matrix? Is it a natural, instinctual thing that comes to him when he needs it? Or is he studying a bunch of code off screen?
  2. When Neo's boss asserts that Neo has a problem with authority is he right? Does being a hacker necessitate having an issue with power and control, or could he just be doing it for profit?
  3. At the end of the film Neo has learned how to break some basic rules like speed and gravity. If he became even better, would it be possible for him to erase things or even create them?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

In order to break the rules, you first have to understand them.

Smith is a symbol of the rules of a system because he is the enforcer. However, this taste of power has led Smith himself to assert his authority over the rules he enforces.