The Monstrumologist Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Monstrumologist.

Man and the Natural World Quotes

"We have a duty this night. We are students of nature as well as its products, all of us, including this creature. Born of the same divine mind, if you believe in such things, for how could it be o...

Choices Quotes

"We are slaves, all of us, Will Henry," he said, pulling the book from my hand and placing it upon the nearest stack. "Some are slaves to fear. Others are slaves to reason—or base desire. It is o...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

"I tell you what I can. And what I can tell you is the doctor is engaged in very important work and he needs my help." "But I do not? You force me into sin, James." "Sin? What sin are you talking a...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

The old man had returned his gaze to my huddled form as I crouched, shivering, hugging my knees to my chest in the spring chill, and I thought I saw pity in his eyes, a profound empathy for my plig...

Family Quotes

That Father loved us, I have never had any doubt; he had simply loved the doctor more. This was the root of my mother's hatred for Dr. Warthrop. She was jealous. She was betrayed. And it was that s...

Religion Quotes

"I take no stances on theology, Erasmus," said the doctor. "I am a scientist. But is it not said that we are his instruments? If that is the case, then God brought you to her and directed you hence...

Isolation Quotes

For it was true: I was all he had. I have always wondered if it ever occurred to him, this man of whom it might be said there had never been another of more towering, awe-inspiring self-absorption,...

Pride Quotes

He dropped the necklace into a tray and called for the scissors. To the devil with him, I thought. Let him fetch his own scissors. He called again, his back to me, hand outstretched, bloody fingers...