Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Professor Paz

All of Professor Paz's pals call him Prof, referring to him by his title rather than his name, and this is the key to understanding this character's role. Since professor is basically another word for teacher, we instantly know he is the guide/mentor guy. It's about as obvious as it comes, and Prof doesn't disappoint. The novel has many moments when he teaches one of the characters something new, directs them in how to act, or references some bit of obscure knowledge to make a point.

In a way, he even lectures the reader, pointing out many of the novel's themes to us and explaining how to go about pondering them. For example, while explaining to Wyoh what a rational anarchist is, he sets up the story's political philosophy for us when he states, "Private where private belongs, public where it's needed, and an admission that circumstances alter cases. Nothing doctrinaire" (6.34). If that doesn't sound like a teacher's voice, then we don't know what does.