The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Themes

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Themes

Freedom and Confinement

We hear the words freedom and liberty all the time. Politicians can't go two whole sentences without using one of them, newscasters often speak about countries where citizens lack freedoms, and his...

Philosophical Viewpoint: Libertarianism

Libertarianism is like the Baskin-Robbins of political philosophies: There are more than thirty-one flavors to choose from, and some combinations taste better together than others. The Moon is a Ha...

Rules and Order

Here's the thing about rules: They can be pretty weak. Okay, we're not telling you anything new, are we? We're sure you've been in a situation or two when a rule said you had to do something you di...

Traditions and Customs

If you've ever been to a country that isn't your native one, you might have experience something called culture shock—you know, the jittery, agitated feeling one gets when everything around them...

Technology and Modernization

Science fiction often depicts technology turning on humans, but this wasn't always the case. In the genre's golden age, technology and modernization were generally viewed as a beneficial force that...


There is no such thing as a bloodless revolution. The Bloodless Revolution of 1688, a.k.a. the Glorious Revolution, was misnamed—soldiers did die, albeit very few. Even the Coldplay song "Bloodle...

Women and Femininity

Oh boy, here we go. The issue of ladies and femininity in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress—or any Heinlein novel for that matter—makes for a debate that can include thoughtful analysis, forum flame...


In The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, profit comes from about every form of manipulation you can imagine: propaganda, coercion, money laundering, voter fraud, and just flat out lying to round things out...