The Ocean at the End of the Lane Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Ocean at the End of the Lane? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. "Oh, monsters are scared," said _________. "That's why they're monsters."

Ursula Monkton
Lettie Hempstock
Mike Wazowski
Gran Hempstock
Q. "I've been inside you," _______ said. "So a word to the wise. If you tell anybody anything, they won't believe you. And, because I've been inside you, I'll know. And I can make it so you never say anything I don't want you to say to anybody, not ever again."

The boy's mom
Ginnie Hempstock
The hunger birds/varmints
Ursula Monkton
Q. "You can't just boss bacteria around like that," said __________. "They don't like it."

The boy's sister
Your angry dentist
Ginnie Hempstock
The boy
Q. "[I'm] old enough," _____ said. "I remember when the moon was made."

Gran Hempstock
The opal miner
Ursula Monkton
Betty White
Q. Who says, "I was not happy as a child, although from time to time I was content. I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else"?

The hunger birds/varmints
The boy
Hermione Granger
Lettie Hempstock