The Ocean at the End of the Lane True or False

1. "Oh, monsters are scared," said _________. "That's why they're monsters." -> Ursula Monkton
2. "I've been inside you," _______ said. "So a word to the wise. If you tell anybody anything, they won't believe you. And, because I've been inside you, I'll know. And I can make it so you never say anything I don't want you to say to anybody, not ever again." -> Ginnie Hempstock
3. "You can't just boss bacteria around like that," said __________. "They don't like it." -> Ginnie Hempstock
4. "[I'm] old enough," _____ said. "I remember when the moon was made." -> The opal miner
5. Who says, "I was not happy as a child, although from time to time I was content. I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else"? -> The boy
