The Outsiders Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In New York, Dally blew off steam in gang fights, but here, organized gangs are rarities – […] and the warfare is between the social classes. (1.47)

Pony is trying to put things into perspective for us and let us know that the violence isn't between groups of Greasers.

Quote #5

"A fair fight isn't rough […]. Blades are rough. So are chains and heaters and pool sticks and rumbles. Skin fighting isn't rough. It blows off steam better than anything. (2.91)

Basically, Pony seems to be arguing that fair fighting isn't violence but sport, an activity that's beneficial to energetic boys. What do you think? How is "rumbling" similar to or different from sports like football or hockey?

Quote #6

Johnny was breathing heavily and I noticed he was staring at the Soc's hand. He was wearing three heavy rings." (3.49)

That Soc is Bob. When Johnny sees his rings, he knows Bob is the guy who used his face as a punching bag. Seeing Johnny watch the rings is how Pony begins to also figure out that Bob was Johnny's attacker.