The Reivers Resources


Faulkner, Shmooped

Learn all about the author's fudging of his own life's details, the love triangle he incited, and much, much more.


Take a look at this super detailed map of Yoknapatawpha County, which links all of Faulkner's stories and characters together.

10 Great William Faulkner Quotes, on His Birthday

Complete with a photo of the author himself, this site shares ten of Faulkner's best quotes.

Olde Mississippi

Get a sense of how Mississippi has changed over the past century through these fifteen historic photos.

Movie or TV Productions

The Reivers (1969)

Directed by Mark Rydell, this film version stars Steve McQueen as the rambunctious Boon. The ending is changed significantly, and the racial tensions in the film are not as obvious as they are in the book.

Articles and Interviews

1956 Paris Review Interview with William Faulkner

Here's a handy transcript, with Faulkner discussing the significance of his creation of Yoknapatawpha County.

Faulkner's Best Book

Here Faulkner discusses why he believes The Sound and the Fury to be his best book.


William Faulkner, Briefly

The following video highlights Faulkner's childhood, works, and other accomplishments.

Clip from The Reivers Film

What we've got here is the scene when Boon and Lucius decide to steal Grandfather's car.


1950 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

William Faulkner says that this honor has been granted to him because the purpose of his writing is "to make out of the materials the human spirit, something which was not there before."


1898 Ad for a Winton Motor Carriage

Creator of the Winton Motor Carriage Company, Alexander Winton sold his first manufactured vehicles in Cleveland, Ohio in 1899.

Faulkner at Home in Oxford, Mississippi

Faulkner and his wife Estelle appear in front of their Oxford, Mississippi home.

Memphis, Tennessee at the Turn of the Century

Take a look at what Lucius, Boon, and Ned would have seen when they ventured to Memphis in 1905.

Horse Racing in 1905

Here's what horse racing might have looked like over one hundred years ago.