What’s Up With the Ending?

In the end, we learn that Gratuity and J.Lo defeated the Gorg, got rid of the Boov, and saved the planet, all before lunch. Well, not exactly on that last part. But they did manage to get everything checked off their to-do list before Gratuity even became a teenager. We can't help but wonder whether things might go downhill from there for our leading lady, and she thinks the same thing. She confesses to us that part of the reason she didn't take credit for saving the planet is because she'd feel like a slacker the rest of her life. If she saves the world at 11, what's she supposed to do when she's 15? 20? 40? Yep, we get the idea. Still, we think she's pretty modest for stepping back and letting Daniel take on the credit. It seems like Gratuity wasn't after a big payday or her 15 minutes of fame. She just wanted to save her friends and family and get back to normal.