The True Meaning of Smekday Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central Narrator)

Did you notice that the story is from Gratuity's perspective? Even though people around her share their opinions from time to time, we're reading about what our main girl Gratuity does and thinks the whole time. Take Moving Day, for example. She tells us:

I remember one lady with a mirror, and I thought, Why save a mirror? And then I watched her run down the street with it in both hands, arms outstretched like she was chasing vampires. (1.8)

Here we get to hear what's happening (she's watching a lady) and what she thinks about it (this lady is crazy). And it's not some outsider telling us what went down either—check out how Gratuity always uses I to remind us that she's the one looking around, observing what's happening.

Importantly, this helps us learn about all the stuff Gratuity doesn't bother telling the world after the Boov bounce. No one (aside from her mom) knows that she's the one who actually saved the world—with the help of J.Lo, of course—so giving us her perspective throughout the novel allows us to see what really happened. It's like hearing a secret story from your bestie… if your bestie saved the world from a mad race of gigantic aliens.