The Usual Rules Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Times like that, Wendy never said he wasn't really her father. Same as she never called Louie her half brother. Somebody else did now and then—Aunt Pam, for instance. (9.45)

No matter what anyone else says, Wendy considers Josh and Louie her "real" family. They're the family that she's grown up with and loves; they're the people she sees every morning when she wakes up. That's what family really is made up of.

Quote #5

I'd never get into all that legal bulls***, but if we did, your stepfather wouldn't have a leg to stand on. All that would happen is he'd spend a lot of money for nothing, because if I know your grandmother, she wouldn't quit. You should have seen what she was like when she took my father to court, when I was your age. (11.38)

Instead of telling Wendy that he wants her to come live with her because he loves her and wants to be a good father, Garrett starts talking about the legality of things. It's all very unemotional and not very fatherly.

Quote #6

And don't you imagine we'd miss you? His voice caught. We've still got a family here. Even if one person's missing.

I don't know what to do, she said. I don't want to go, but he said he knew what was best for me. He said he's the one parent I have left.

The one parent, huh? What do you call me? (11.89-91)

Poor Josh. He's pretty hurt when Wendy says that she might go live with Garrett—and even more so when she calls Garrett her "one parent" she has left. She still has Josh, and he loves her like a real father. He always has, and he always will.