The Wings of the Dove Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

He came to make Milly his offer of marriage—he came for nothing but that. (

Lord Mark travels all the way to Venice to make Milly an offer of marriage. As we later find out, though, he does this because he knows Milly is terminally ill and he hopes to inherit all of her wealth. Sure, marriage can be a wonderful thing. But when there's money on the line, things can turn super ugly super fast.

Quote #8

"Does she [Aunt Maud] mean he has been encouraged to propose to her niece?" (

It sounds like while Merton is in Venice, Aunt Maud has been encouraging Lord Mark to propose to Kate Croy back in London. Merton is really annoyed by this, because he's not altogether sure whether Kate will turn down the offer. This lack of trust really doesn't bode well for Kate and Merton's future marriage (if there is one).

Quote #9

"And to lie myself, you mean, to do it? We are, my dear child […] I suppose, still engaged." (

It's quite simple, really. Merton will not lie to Milly by denying his engagement to Kate. Throughout the book, he has been willing to avoid telling the truth. But that doesn't mean he's ready to totally lie to someone's face.