There is no Frigate like a Book Resources


Emily Dickinson at

Here's a straightforward introduction to Dickinson's life and works from the trusty folks at

A Glimpse into the Poet's Life

Here you'll find the Emily Dickinson Museum, which is located in her lifelong home in Amherst, MA.


Glenn Close Reads Emily Dickinson

Here's a lovely reading of this lovely poem by a lovely actress.


A young Dickinson fan recites the poem with admirable poise.

"English Guy In Texas"

Here's a rather basic, but helpful analysis of this poem from a helpful fellow who just goes by the above name. Thanks, English Guy!

"Take a look – it's in a book – it's Reading Rainbow!"

Okay, maybe we're just being characteristically over-enthusiastic, but we think there's a marked similarity between Dickinson's poem and a certain classic theme song of the '80s…


Emily Dickinson at LibriVox

Listen to amateurs reading a number of Dickinson's poems at this awesome website (along with tons of other great works).


Frigates. Are. Awesome.

We just got distracted by browsing the amazing ship paintings to be found at the aptly named website.

Behold, the Magnificent Frigate Bird!

Okay, this is pretty far off topic, but this animal is simply too cool to pass up.