Theseus: Later Adventures and Death Photos

Theseus: Later Adventures and Death Photos

A Man's World
It's tough being an Amazon
"Wounded Amazon" Franz von Stuck 1903

Phaedra, Brooding
Thesues's wife, having naughty thoughts.
"Phedre" Alexandre Cabanel 1880

Death of Hippolytus
Death by chariot has got to be extremely unpleasant.
"Hippolytus" Sir Lawrence Alma Tedema 1860

Hippolytus & Phaedra on a Plate
Seriously, why would you want to put these two on a plate together? Is that appetizing?
"Plate With Hippolytus and Phaedra" 1524

Centaurs Are Bad Wedding Guests
Pirithous's wedding is ruined by a bunch of rowdy Centaurs.
"The Battle of Centaurs and Lapiths at Hippodamia's Wedding" Karel Dujardin 1667

Video Game Theseus
Video Game Theseus The version of Theseus in God of War 2.