Thirteen Reasons Why Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But now it's too late.

And that's why at this moment I feel so much hate. Toward myself. I deserve to be on this list. Because if I hadn't been so afraid of everyone else, I might have told Hannah that someone cared. (10.761-62)

Clay doesn't just lament the loss of what could have been a really good romantic relationship. He's also lost the chance to be Hannah's friend, and probably to save her life.

Quote #8

Romeo, oh Romeo. Wherefore art though, Romeo. (11.46)

How mushy. Hannah starts Clay's tape with these words, making it pretty clear that she was in love with him. While this provides a tiny bit of relief for Clay's guilt, it probably makes his loss of Hannah and the chance to save her even more painful.

Quote #9

Two steps behind her, I say her name.

"Skye." (17.48-49)

Clay is doing the loving thing here both for himself and for Skye. By reaching out to her, he takes a stand against all the ugly things he's heard in Hannah's tapes.