Thirteen Reasons Why Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

With every side of every tape, an old memory gets turned upside down. A reputation twists into something I don't recognize. (8.146)

Hannah's tapes change the way Clay looks at all sorts of things: reputations no longer matter.

Quote #8

Clay, your reputation was deserved. But mine… mine was not. And there I was with you. Adding to my reputation. (11.237)

Hannah is trying to explain why she turned away from Clay the night of the party. There seem to be two reasons: (1) she fears that Clay will think she's a "slut" if she goes any farther with him, and (2) she's afraid the love she shows him will turn into an ugly rumor or bad joke, like it did with Justin.

Quote #9

But no matter when I go back, the fact remains, eventually I need to face the other people on the tapes. (17.1)

What do you think Clay means by this? Does he want to hear the other side of the story from the people on Hannah's list? Or does he want to confront them about how he treated Hannah? Or is it something completely different?