This Side of Paradise Alcohol and Drugs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The doctors told me […] that if any man alive had done the consistent drinking that I have, he would have been physically shattered, my dear, and in his grave—long in his grave." (1.1.156)

Beatrice Blaine seems to brag when she talks to Amory about how much drinking she's done over the years. She almost treats her alcoholism as a mark of sophistication. If she lived today she might have a t-shirt that says, "The liver is evil, it must be punished."

Quote #2

He put his face in his hands and covered eyes and ears as well as he could. During all this time it never occurred to him that he was delirious or drunk. (1.3.244)

Amory has a bad habit of not realizing when he's crossed the border between Tipsytown and Hammeredsville. You can tell by the way that he covers his eyes and ears that alcohol is something he uses to escape from the world and all its problems.

Quote #3

Wilson had another; Amory had several more. (2.2.22)

Once Rosalind has dumped him, Amory turns to drinking to help numb his pain. After all, it's hard to regret your past when you can't even think straight. Or so it would seem…