This Side of Paradise Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Children adored him because he was like a child; youth reveled in his company because he was still a youth, and couldn't be shocked. (1.1.194)

Children love Monsignor Darcy because he has managed to grow old without losing his sense of boyish wonder and his ability to keep an open mind to all things.

Quote #2

As he put in his studs he realized that he was enjoying life as he would probably never enjoy it again. Everything was hallowed by the haze of his own youth. (1.2.436)

At a young age, Amory realizes that his life is going to run downhill as he enters adulthood. This is a sad thing to think, but he's pretty convinced that once he has had his first kiss, everything else will seem boring.

Quote #3

"And what we leave here is more than this class; it's the whole heritage of youth." (1.4.347)

When Amory thinks about leaving school, he thinks about leaving behind his youth. Now it's time to enter the adult world of jobs and paychecks.