Three Times Lucky Theme of Lies and Deceit

Even though there are lots of wonderful and caring characters in Three Times Lucky, Mo also comes in contact with some pretty shady people. At first Deputy Marla seems nice and helpful, but then it turns out that she's in cahoots with Robert Slate and has been lying to them all along. Ugh. And even though Dale is a good kid, he tells a few whoppers of his own, especially when it comes to stealing Mr. Jesse's boat. And these lies come back to bite him in the butt when Mr. Jesse shows up murdered in that very same boat.

Then again, what did we expect? This book is a murder mystery, after all, so of course there's lying and deceit in the mix.

Questions About Lies and Deceit

  1. Why does the Colonel lie about when he bought his car? Like, seriously—what's up with that?
  2. Why do you think Deputy Marla decided to work with Robert Slate? Why doesn't Detective Starr smell a rat?
  3. Is Dale a good liar? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

We'd say this book is steadfastly anti-lying, except things work out pretty well for Dale.

The most successful lie in the whole book is when Deputy Marla shrewdly wins Mo's trust by offering to help her find her upstream mother.