Three Times Lucky Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

So far, my life is one big, fat mystery. At the heart lies this question: Who is my Upstream Mother, and why hasn't she come for me? (3.2)

Mo doesn't have a lot of answers about her life and where she comes from. Mostly, she just wants to know who her biological mother is and if she'll be snatched up by her "real" family someday.

Quote #2

My heart lurched. She'd seen Dale returning Mr. Jesse's boat, sure as my name's Mo LoBeau. I put my hand in my pocket and closed my fingers around my half of Mr. Jesse's finder's fee—money we tricked him out of. (6.62)

Uh-oh… Things aren't going to be good for Dale if Detective Starr finds out the truth about the boat and how Dale stole it before returning it to Mr. Jesse for reward money. Mo has to figure out a way to keep him from learning the truth.

Quote #3

I shook my head. "The problem is, Starr's headed down the wrong path and you're standing at the end of it." I drummed my fingers against my knee. "We could tell the Colonel or Miss Rose about Mr. Jesse's boat. They could talk to Starr." (7.68)

After some time, Mo realizes that the best thing to do is to tell the truth. Too bad Dale's so scared of going to jail forever that he doesn't want to admit to stealing the boat… especially if it means that he'll be accused of Mr. Jesse's murder.