The Time Machine Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Going towards the side I found what appeared to be sloping shelves, and clearing away the thick dust, I found the old familiar glass cases of our own time. But they must have been air-tight to judge from the fair preservation of some of their contents. (8.3)

Isn't it strange that the museum of the future looks so much like the museum of the 1890s, with the "old familiar glass cases"? This seems to be an area where Wells thinks the technology peaked in his own day.

Quote #8

I don't know if you have ever thought what a rare thing flame must be in the absence of man and in a temperate climate. [...] The red tongues that went licking up my heap of wood were an altogether new and strange thing to Weena. (9.3)

Fire is such an important technology in this book that it has its own entry under "Symbolism." But again, notice how technology can be lost, or misused, as when Weena wants to run into the fire.

Quote #9

I rolled over, and as I did so my hand came against my iron lever. It gave me strength. (9.9)

The club is a very simple tool – maybe the first tool invented (check out the opening to the movie 2001 for more on that). But even such a basic piece of technology can retain its power for hundreds of thousands of years. Here the iron lever gives the Time Traveller the energy to kick some Morlock butt.