Titus Andronicus Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to the Riverside edition.

Quote #10

Weke, weke! so cries a pig prepared to the spit. (4.2.21)

After killing the nurse so she can't "tattle" on him and Tamora, Aaron mocks the nurse's cries by squealing like a "pig prepared to the spit." Before the nurse is permanently silenced by death, Aaron has reduced her to an animalistic state, replacing her human voice with the sounds of a beast.

Quote #11

Oft have you heard me wish for such an hour,
And now I find it; therefore bind them sure,
And stop their mouths, if they begin to cry. (5.2.18)

As Lavinia watches, Titus orders his men to gag Demetrius and Chiron if they "begin to cry." When Demetrius and Chiron are silenced, we can't help but think this is a fitting end for the men who deprived Lavinia of her voice in such a brutal way.