Tomorrow, When the War Began Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Homer was still rapt in Fi, always wanting to talk to me about her, trying to accidentally put himself wherever she happened to be going, turning red every time she spoke to him. (5.21)

Ah, young love. Come on, admit it—you've totally done stuff like this. We definitely have.

Quote #2

[…] Corrie standing alone in the middle of the sitting room, tears streaming down her face. The Kevin came in from checking the bedrooms, saw her, and moving quickly to her took her in his arms and held her close. They just stood there for quite a few minutes. I liked Kevin a lot for that. (7.12)

One of the very best things someone who loves you can do is just give you a hug when things are hard to handle. The fact that Kevin does that here shows that he really does love Corrie.

Quote #3

[…] I wanted to spend more time with this new Homer, this interesting and clever boy whom I'd known but not known for so many years. (10.8)

Homer's newfound confidence and competence seem to be turning Ellie's head, even though Homer has never looked good to her before. His personality has changed from goof-off to leader, and Ellie likes what she sees.