Tomorrow, When the War Began Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[…] two steers halfway up the ramp, just a couple of minutes away from death, but one was still trying to mount the other. […] that's a bit the way we were. 'In the midst of life we are in death.' We were in the middle of a desperate struggle to stay alive, but here was I, still thinking about boys and love. (10.9)

Weird. We don't know if we'd ever thought about the drive to find comfort, pleasure, and joy while destruction surrounds you… but it does make sense. And it helps explain why Ellie is writing so much about their little dramas and love business; it's an important part of how they overcome the terror of war.

Quote #5

We lay down together, still being very serious, and began touching each other, gently and lovingly. (12.13)

What can we say? War can be serious business, but so can crushes. Ooh la la…

Quote #6

I was kissing him back, but then I stopped. I didn't have plans to become the local slut and I didn't think it was a good idea to get involved with two guys at once. (12.32)

Yeah, when you have to live with both of the guys you're crushing on day in and day out for who knows how long, it might be best not to get too involved with either of them. It seems messy for interpersonal relations.