Touching Spirit Bear Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Apparently, author Ben Mikaelsen has had a lot of experience with furry friends in his lifetime. He had a bear named Buffy…who was best friends with a dog named Baca.

Another funny Buffy tale: Ben was pulled over for a speeding ticket once and Buffy the bear poked his head out, grabbed the ticket, and ate it. Talk about a variation on the old "dog ate my homework" excuse!

Mikaelsen attributes his bad boy characters to the fact that he believes every single kid out there carries some anger and resentment toward authority—this kind of angst is only natural.

Mikaelsen doesn't just write about interesting things, he seeks adventures and intriguing experiences wherever he goes. He's gone skydiving, attended Space Camp, raised a black bear, gone to the North Pole, and more.