Trifles Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #7

COUNTY ATTORNEY: [...] (seeing the birdcage) Has the bird flown?

MRS. HALE: (putting more quilt pieces over the box) We think the—cat got it.

COUNTY ATTORNEY: (preoccupied) Is there a cat? [...]

MRS. PETERS: Well, not now. They're superstitious, you know. They leave. (120-123)

Oh, snap. Things are getting real. This is the first time Mrs. Hale steps over the line and protects Mrs. Wright's secret. Mrs. Peters have found the dead bird and put the whole murder mystery together. We've already heard them talk about the fact that Mrs. Wright didn't have a cat, so we know Mrs. Hale is lying. What do you think? Has Mrs. Hale already committed a crime in the eyes of the law? Or is this the last step before she jumps over the edge?

Quote #8

COUNTY ATTORNEY: [...] No sign at all of anyone having come from the outside. Their own rope. Now let's go up again and go over it piece by piece. (they start upstairs) It would have to have been someone who knew just the— (124)

For the County Attorney, the investigation is a logical, step-by-step process. So since he's the head representative of law in the play, we figure it's pretty safe to assume that this is how the law itself in viewed. It's cold and logical, and it doesn't take into account people's emotions. The play hits us over the head with the fact that this makes the play's law enforcers really bad at their job. They need to think outside of the box a little and dig into the emotional life of this household to crack this case.

Quote #9

STAGE DIRECTIONS: [...] Suddenly MRS PETERS throws back quilt pieces and tries to put the box in the bag she is wearing. It is too big. She opens box, starts to take bird out, cannot touch it, goes to pieces, stands there helpless. Sound of a knob turning in the other room. MRS HALE snatches the box and puts it in the pocket of her big coat. (149)

Mrs. Peters has come a long way as a character for a short little play. Even though she's been the one sticking up for the law the whole time, she's the one who make the first move to get rid of the evidence.