Tropic of Cancer Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Boris] eats in the restaurant out of consideration for me. He says it hurts to eat a big meal and have me watch him. (1.14)

Miller believes his dear friend Boris is too sympathetic to eat in front of him. But did he ever consider that he just makes the guy lose his appetite?

Quote #2

With that bottle between my legs and the sun splashing through the window I experience once again the splendor of those miserable days when I first arrived in Paris, a bewildered, poverty-stricken individual who haunted the streets like a ghost at a banquet (1.49).

Here's a perfect example of Henry romanticizing poverty. Having no money basically strips away everything he doesn't care about and leaves him with the beauty of pure existence. What do you think: deep or pretentious?

Quote #3

What need have I for money? I am a writing machine. (1.14)

Henry loves a good provoking sentence here and there. He knows very well what he needs money for, but he'd rather write than work.