The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Characters

Meet the Cast

Charlotte Doyle

Charlotte Doyle begins the novel as a prim and proper young lady, the daughter of a cotton manufacturer, and a student at the Barrington School for Better Girls. Only thirteen years old, she alread...


Zachariah is the Seahawk's cook, surgeon, and only black man. Originally from Africa, he is around 50 years old (the oldest on the ship), cannot read, and knows very little about Christianity (8.22...

Captain Jaggery

Captain Andrew Jaggery, head of the Seahawk, is nothing if not a gentleman – on the outside. His dress is smart, his manner is impeccable, and he likes to take his tea in a timely fashion. For Ch...

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle

Charlotte's father is a man of rules and order who thinks punctuation and spelling are very important things for his daughter to learn. He is, after all, the one who gives her the blank book that s...

Mr. Hollybrass

Mr. Hollybrass is the first mate on the Seahawk. He gets murdered during the hurricane with a knife to his back. Charlotte is accused of the crime, tried for it, and found guilty. Later, we discove...

Mr. Keetch

Mr. Keetch is the second mate on the Seahawk. He's nervous and fidgety and kind of gives Charlotte the creeps. Zachariah and Charlotte plot the second mutiny with Keetch, but they don't realize tha...


Cranick is the man who stows away on the Seahawk in order to seek revenge on Captain Jaggery. He has only one arm since, on the Seahawk's last voyage, Captain Jaggery beat his arm off (4.51). Crani...


Barlow is one of the members of the crew who warns Charlotte not to take the voyage to America aboard the Seahawk. He also escorts Charlotte to the top cargo during the adventure of the carved head.


Fisk is the member of the crew who takes Zachariah's place in the galley when Zachariah is thought to be dead. When Charlotte sees the listing for the Seahawk in the newspaper in Rhode Island, Fisk...


Ewing is one of the friendlier sailors on board. He's Scottish and has a mermaid tattoo. He also has a sweetheart back home in Aberdeen whom he loves to talk about (9.3). It's Ewing's pistol (along...

Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson is the only member of the crew who doesn't sign the round-robin. He's thus appointed second mate after the mutiny.


Grimes is a member of the crew aboard the Seahawk.


Dillingham is a member of the crew aboard the Seahawk.

Mr. Grummage

Mr. Grummage is Charlotte's guardian at the beginning of the book, and he escorts her to the Seahawk. He's a bit pushy and insists that Charlotte make the voyage, even though no other women will be...

Albert and Evelina Doyle

Albert and Evelina are Charlotte's younger brother and sister. They have a very small role in the novel and don't actually show up until the end. They, too, are shocked by Charlotte's dress and man...