The Truth About Forever Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Maybe that's what you got when you stood over our grief, facing it finally. A sense of its depths, its area, the distance across, and the way over or around it, whichever you chose in the end. (5.118)

Grief doesn't just go away. It will always be there, but you can work around it, like Delia does. Is that more fruitful than blocking it off completely, like Macy and her mom do? Is one way better than the other?

Quote #8

"Mom," she said final, "I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just saying that it's been a year and a half…and maybe it's time to move on. Dad would have wanted you to be happier than this. I know it." (6.91)

Another advice moment from Caroline. But is there really a time limit on mourning? What does Caroline mean by "move on," anyway?

Quote #9

"[T]he truth is, nothing is guaranteed. […] So don't be afraid. Be alive." (7.211)

Kristy's philosophy is majorly inspires Macy—and us. How does Macy embrace this nugget by the end of the book?