The Truth About Forever Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But just talking about anything emotional is hard for her. For us. It's like she prefers we just not do that anymore." (12.234)

Deborah is trying to keep it together for her own sake and for Macy's. But why does she think this is best for her daughter to keep everything under wraps?

Quote #8

Everyone else could get through to my mother: all they had to do was dial a number and wait for her to pick up. If only, I thought, it was that easy for me. (14.27)

Sometimes strangers get more kindness from us than family members, don't they? It's easy to take family for granted, but Macy knows that they won't always be around.

Quote #9

"And this job would look good on my transcript."


"And," I finished, "it fits right in with what she wants me to be."

"Which is?"

I ran the fabric of my shirt between my thumb and forefinger, remembering our conversation that morning, as well as the one the night before. "Perfect," I said.


"And mothers, of all people, are the least likely to care about such things." (15.50-56)

Is Delia right? Or does Deborah really want Macy to be perfect? Which of Deborah's actions make you answer the way you do?