The Truth About Forever Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Clearly, this had not been the moment to show off my grammar prowess. (4.110)

Macy tossed out some ellipses knowledge (you know, those three dots: …) and it stirred up a little conflict at the wedding. Oops. Moral of the story? Knowing things doesn't always help. Sometimes, feeling, empathizing, or understanding is more important.

Quote #5

But that was the problem with having the answers. It was only after you gave them that you realized they sometimes weren't what people wanted to hear. (4.115)

Sometimes, knowledge can actually hurt other people. Could this be why Caroline waited so long to start helping Macy and her mom move on? Did Wes give Macy any answers to her problems, or did he just listen?

Quote #6

Whatever way it had gone, clearly this break wasn't just my secret anymore. Now, it was Information, and as they were with everything else, Bethany and Amanda were suddenly experts. (5.23)

Bethany and Amanda sure know how to jump on the gossip train—and fast. These girls have plenty of knowledge, but they definitely aren't using it appropriately. But what would a YA novel be without a couple of mean girls?