Tuck Everlasting Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Jesse Tuck's face was instantly serious. "Oh, that. No—no, it's not," he said quickly. "You mustn't drink from it. Comes right up out of the ground. Probably pretty dirty." And he began to pile the pebbles over it again. (5.40)

Jesse isn't so good at lying—not to Winnie, anyway. Why not? After all, he's had plenty of practice. One hundred and four years' worth, to be exact.

Quote #2

"Well, child," she said to Winnie, standing up, "now you share our secret. It's a big, dangerous secret. We got to have your help to keep it. I expect you're full of questions, but we can't stay here no longer." (8.8)

Whoa. Wait a second. These people just met Winnie and they're asking her to keep a secret for them? We have two concerns here: (1) How do they know they can trust her? (2) Isn't that kind of presumptuous?

Quote #3

It was good. So good, in fact, that through it all, not one of them noticed that the man they had passed on the road, the man in the yellow suit, had crept up to the bushes by the stream and heard it all, the whole fantastic story. Nor did they notice that he was following now, beside the road far behind, his mouth, above the thin, gray beard, turned ever so slightly toward a smile. (8.14)

Uh oh. Consider the secret leaked. The beans spilled. The cat out-ed from the bag.