Turtle in Paradise Theme of Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. might have been the one to say "I have a dream," but according to Archie in Turtle in Paradise, everyone's got dreams. In fact, that's how he weasels his way into people's lives in the first place. We can't help but notice that he's a great salesman, so maybe he's on to something here. It's not just that people want more hair, better looking skin, and white teeth; it's that they want to look younger and more attractive. And these women that Archie targets aren't the only ones—Turtle has a dream, too, and it involves a perfect family and a store-bought house. Too bad for her, Archie's got her figured out.

Questions About Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

  1. Is Archie right? Does he sell dreams instead of products? Would he be successful if his products didn't come with a promise? 
  2. What does Turtle's dream say about her? Is she any more or less gullible than the women Archie targets? 
  3. Turtle thinks it's all Hollywood's fault that people dream big and expect them to come true. Do you agree? Do movies make us believe we all get our wishes to come true? 
  4. Does Turtle get her dream in the end? Even if she's not in the Bellewood, does she get the family she's always wanted, or does she keep dreaming for more?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In Turtle in Paradise, dreams and lies are the same thing. Just look at Archie for proof.

Turtle likes to think she's better than the women Archie cons, but she's just as gullible because of her dream of having a perfect family and house.