Admiration Quotes in War Horse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"They are not circus animals, they are heroes" (9.2)

Tell that to the horses in Water for Elephants. How does each book treat horses differently?

Quote #8

"I bet you are the first English in this war to win an Iron Cross, and the last" (10.1)

The soldiers' admiration for the bravery of the horses knows no borders. Even though the horses are English, the German soldiers give them a medal of honor. The horses' bravery and strength transcends the conflict that has put these two countries at odds.

Quote #9

"There's thousands of our horses out here in France, sir. War veterans, they are." (19.20)

Sergeant Thunder's sentiments echo those of the Germans, who gave Joey and Topthorn a medal of honor. Though we're not sure if Thunder's horses-as-vets idea quite sank in… when was the last time you honored a horse on Veterans Day? Veterinarians Day, maybe.