Watchmen Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter in Roman Numerals.Page #.Panel #) or if the excerpt is from an interstitial section, then: (Chapter A-K.Page #)

Quote #4

As they dragged him away, Rorschach spoke to the other inmates. He said, “None of you understand. I’m not locked up in here with you. You’re locked up in here with me” (VI.13.2).

One of Watchmen’s all-time great lines. Try uttering it during an in-class essay or when taking a math quiz. On second thought, don’t.

Quote #5

"At Rockefeller I got the bad side of isolation without the compensations, like privacy” (VII.10.7).

Let’s take a cue from Rorschach and switch things up. Maybe there can be freedom in confinement, as long as you’ve got a little “privacy.”

Quote #6

"We’re young lovers, the world could end tomorrow, and how are we spending Sunday evening? We’re planning to bust a homicidal maniac out of Sing-Sing!” (VIII.4.1).

Sometimes, to be free, heroes must live outside the law. See "Rules and Order" for more.