Watchmen Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter in Roman Numerals.Page #.Panel #) or if the excerpt is from an interstitial section, then: (Chapter A-K.Page #)

Quote #7

Nelly called last night, upset over yet another tiff with H.J. Those two are getting worse. The more they row and act like an old married couple in public, the harder they are to cover for (Chapter I.3).

It’s hard even for superheroes to be honest with themselves and come out of the closet.

Quote #8

“To frighten governments into co-operation, I would convince them that Earth faced imminent attack by beings from another world” (XI.25.4).

Science fiction? Nope—science fact. If a sci-fi writer makes up events that turn out to be true fifty years later, is it still fiction?

Quote #9

“Hitler said people swallow lies easily, provided they’re big enough” (XI.26.3).

That is a scary thought, for sure. As is this one: in America we don’t call it propaganda, we call it public relations.