Dan Dreiberg (Nite Owl 2.0) Timeline and Summary


Dan Dreiberg (Nite Owl 2.0) Timeline and Summary

  • Chap I—Dan, or Danny as Hollis calls him, enjoys a beer with his mentor, and they talk about old times. At home, Rorschach breaks in to tell his old partner that the Comedian’s been killed. Later, Laurie calls Dan up, and the two of them go out to eat at Rafael’s.
  • Chap II—Dan goes to Edward Blake’s funeral and flashes back to a memory of Blake and him dispersing rioters on the streets of New York. Dan drops the Comedian’s smiley-face pin into his grave.
  • Chap III—After Laurie walks out on Dr. Manhattan, she visits Dan, and they fend off some muggers in an alleyway.
  • Chapter C: Under the Hood (V)—Hollis Mason hints that there’s a new Nite Owl in town, as of the book’s publication (1962).
  • Chap IV—MIA, busy writing manifestos on owl pellets, who knows?
  • Chap V—At the Gunga Diner, Dan invites Laurie to stay with him for a while.
  • Chap VI—MIA
  • Chap VII—KEY CHAPTER: Dan and Laurie have an awkward makeout sesh. Bad idea to rely on Adrian Veidt’s charity gymnastics show for a soundtrack. The next night, they suit up, and rescue residents from a burning building. Afterwards, the sparks start to fly, and Dan decides they should break Rorschach out of jail.
  • Chapter G: “Blood from the Shoulder of Pallas”—KEY CHAPTER: This doesn’t add much to the plot, but you get a feel for Dan’s good intentions.
  • Chap VIII—Time for a good old-fashioned prison break. Fly Archie, fly.
  • Chap IX—MIA, naptime
  • Chap X—Dan and Rorschach learn that Veidt is zee bad guy #1, and that knot-tops have beaten Hollis Mason to death. Time to head to Antarctica, to stop Veidt before it’s too late.
  • Chap XI—Veidt womps on Dan and Rorschach, and lets them in on his Evil Knievel intentions.
  • Chap XII—Dan and Laurie start new lives as Sam and Sandra Hollis, and stop by Sally Jupiter’s for Christmas.