Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre 1.0) Timeline and Summary


Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre 1.0) Timeline and Summary

  • Chap I—MIA, living it up at Nepenthe Gardens Rest Resort.
  • Chap II—KEY CHAPTER: Sally’s daughter, Laurie, pays her a visit, and bears the news (good or bad?) that Edward Blake has been murdered. We flash to 1940 and the day Blake tries to rape her.
  • Chapter B: Under the Hood (III-IV) by Hollis Mason—It’s prime time at Minutemen headquarters, with only the first hints of their downfall.
  • Chap III—MIA
  • Chapter C: Under the Hood (V) by Hollis Mason—KEY CHAPTER: In Mason’s memoir we learn Sally gives birth to Laurie in 1949, and then retires as Silk Spectre. Soon after, she marries her agent, Laurence Schexnayder. In effect, this brings about the end of the Minutemen.
  • Chap IV through Chap VII—MIA
  • Chap VIII—Sally receives a phone call from Hollis Mason, and they talk about Dan and Laurie, their superhero pseudo-children.
  • Chap IX—Sally appears throughout this chapter in Laurie’s memories, which lead to her daughter finding out that Edward Blake is Sally’s baby daddy.
  • Chapter I: Sally Jupiter’s Scrapbook Clippings—KEY CHAPTER: Interviews, newspaper clippings, and letters reveal Sally’s complex relationship with fame, sexuality, and being a female superhero.
  • Chap X & XI—MIA
  • Chap XII—After the aftermath, her daughter Laurie and Dan Dreiberg stop by for Christmas. Whoops, we mean Mrs. and Mr. Hollis (a tribute to the late Hollis Mason). Mother and daughter patch things up, and Sally kisses a picture of the Comedian. Looks like she’s loved him all this time, in spite of everything.