The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I loved when Dad talked to me like I was grown-up. I didn't really understand half the junk he was saying, but it sure did feel good to be talked to like that! (8.26)

Why do you think this is so important to Kenny? Do you have adults in your life who treat you like a grown-up? How does that make you feel?

Quote #5

"I don't think I'll ever know what to do when I'm a grown-up. It seems like you and Momma know a lot of things that I can never learn. It seems real scary. I don't think I could ever be as good a parent as you guys." (8.32)

Even though Kenny likes feeling grown-up, he's perceptive enough to know that it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Kenny's right that it can be scary to grow up, and this conversation foreshadows all the scary growing up that Kenny is about to face in Birmingham.

Quote #6

"Could it be that you want me to soap your face up and hold you up here while you shave it off? It's been a long time since we've done that."

"Aww, man, I'm way too old for that. Besides, I'm starting to get a real mustache. Look." I stuck my upper lip out for Dad to see. (8.49-50)

One of the outward signs of growing up for a boy is having facial hair, and Kenny seems eager for it. Remember though, growing up is something that happens inside, not outside. But hey, facial hair doesn't hurt.